In 1999, director Emily Hughes embarked on a cinematic journey to shine the spotlight on the most innovative, influential and obscure guitarist the world has ever known… and the father she hardly knew herself. Fortunately for inquisitive musicians, fans and admirers of Lenny Breau, her quest continues on...
Watch the original award-winning documentary in its entirety. Featuring live footage and interviews with Lenny Breau, with insights into the influence and artistry from guitar legends Pat Matheny, George Benson, Andy Summers (The Police) Steve Vai, Chet Atkins and more. This documentary also delves into Breau’s rise to prominence, his troubled life and the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death.
Click below to rent or buy, and read the full synopsis on Vimeo.
Rent or BuyJust when you thought you’d seen it all… Lenny Breau would always astound you with something new and unexpected! That legacy continues.
See over 2-hours of previously unreleased material: including newly discovered archival footage of performances and interviews that have emerged since Emily Hughes’ original film. This companion documentary has been masterfully edited into five new chapters, with new and unreleased interviews featuring Phil deGruy, Brent Mason, Steve Vai, Richard Smith, Tommy Chong and more.
Click below to rent or buy, and read the full synopsis on Vimeo.
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